

【抽選申込】HIROSE Shoko / 廣瀬祥子「Born New Art Vol.3」出展作品の抽選お申し込みのご案内


「Born New Art Vol.3」の2週目に参加する「HIROSE Shoko / 廣瀬祥子」の作品を抽選販売いたします。販売に関する詳細は以下に記載していますので、ご確認ください。申し込みフォームはページ最下部にございます。

We will be conducting a lottery sale of the artwork by HIROSE Shoko / 廣瀬祥子, who will participate in the second week of "Born New Art Vol.3". Please see below for details on the sale, and the application form is located at the bottom of the page.

 ※申し込みフォームはページ最下部にございます。/  The application form is located at the bottom of the page.


抽選対象商品  / Lottery Items



Paintings, which started with cave paintings, have continued to change support and expression methods with the changes of the times. I create works with the concept of "approaching paintings that can only be created in the modern era where the boundary between digital and material things is blurred." This work is created by outputting digital paintings onto acrylic plates with mirror processing, and adding them with drawing materials.


「Art Fair GINZA tagboat x MITSUKOSHI」(銀座三越) / WAVE2022(アーツ千代田3331) / 初音ミク×イセタン(伊勢丹新宿) / CULTURE ART PARK 2023(代官山蔦屋)

"Art Fair GINZA tagboat x MITSUKOSHI" (Mitsukoshi Ginza) / WAVE2022 (Arts Chiyoda 3331) / Hatsune Miku × Isetan (Isetan Shinjuku) / CULTURE ART PARK 2023 (Daikanyama Tsutaya)

and more...






  • 作品の購入につきましては、抽選販売とさせていただきます。抽選専用フォームからお申し込みいただけます。公平性の観点から、事前申込は1人につき3点までとさせていただきます。
  • 申し込み期間は2023年4月4日(火)18:00までとなっております。期間終了後、厳正な抽選を行い、4月5日(水)中に当選者に「作品購入権」をメールでご連絡いたします。当選されなかった方には、ご連絡を差し上げることはできませんので、予めご了承ください。
  • 申込者審査や申込が1点に集中し、抽選での購入確定が出来なかった作品に関しては、引き続き先着優先販売を行います。
  • ご当選いただいた方は、作品代金をお支払いいただいた後、展示会終了日より2週間程度で発送いたします。
  • 当選確定後のキャンセルはお受けできませんので、ご注意ください。
  • 申し込み作品の当選確定後、3日以内にご入金をお願いいたします。
  • 作品の微妙な色や風合いなどは、実際の作品と異なる場合がございます。
  • 申し込み内容の変更は、抽選受付の期間中のみ受け付けます。
  • 作品代金以外に配送料がかかりますが、基本的には着払いとさせていただきます。海外への発送の場合、配送料に加え、輸入関税、その他現地で発生する費用はすべてお客様のご負担となります。
  • 抽選販売となる作品は、お支払いは全て銀行振込・前払いとなります。
  • 最後に、お申し込みいただいた時点で、上記内容にご同意いただいたものとみなします。





【Important Notes for Lottery Applications】

You can apply to purchase the artwork through the lottery application form. Due to the large number of inquiries, we will be conducting a lottery for fairness in regards to purchases.

The application deadline is 6:00 pm on April 4, 2023 (Wednesday). After the deadline, a strict lottery will be held and the winners of the "Artwork Purchase Rights" will be contacted by email by April 5 (Thursday). (Please note that those who are not selected will not be contacted.)

However, any artwork that does not receive an application by the deadline will continue to be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.

【Notes for Lottery Applications】

We will be conducting a lottery for the purchase of artwork. You can apply through the lottery application form. To ensure fairness, the maximum number of applications per person is three.

The application period ends at 6:00 pm on April 4, 2023 (Wednesday). After the deadline, a strict lottery will be held and the winners of the "Artwork Purchase Rights" will be contacted by email by April 5 (Thursday). Please note that those who are not selected will not be contacted.

In the case that all applications are concentrated on a single artwork, or the selection process cannot be completed through the lottery, we will continue to sell the artwork on a first-come, first-served basis.

Once you have been selected as a winner, we will send the artwork to you within about two weeks after confirming payment. Please note that cancellations cannot be accepted after the selection has been confirmed. Please make the payment within three days after the selection has been confirmed.

Please note that the colors and texture of the artwork may differ slightly from the actual product. Changes to the application details will be accepted only during the lottery application period. Shipping costs will be charged in addition to the artwork price, and we generally request payment upon delivery. In the case of international shipping, all shipping costs, import taxes, and other fees incurred locally will be the responsibility of the customer. All payments for lottery-sale artworks must be made by bank transfer in advance.

Finally, by submitting an application, you agree to the above terms and conditions.

Please read the above notes carefully before applying, and apply only after agreeing to the terms and conditions.

【Lottery Application Form】

Please apply for the lottery from the link below. 

Application form for the lottery

前の記事 次の記事



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