1. What is contemporary art? / (A must-see for modern art beginners! 10 points for introductory collection)

Contemporary art refers to art created after the 20th century. It is characterized by its diversity, and includes various forms such as paintings, sculptures, photographs, videos, and installations. Furthermore, contemporary art often deals with social, cultural, and political issues, and its methods of expression are diverse. In order to understand contemporary art, it is important to know its historical background.

Diversity of contemporary art

Contemporary art is a type of art that was born after the 20th century, and its characteristic is diversity. There are various forms such as paintings, sculptures, photographs, videos, and installations. This was born as modern society became more diverse and artists searched for new ways of expression.

Painting and sculpture are ancient art forms and have an important place in modern art. However, contemporary art often looks at these forms from a new perspective and searches for unique ways of expression. For example, Andy Warhol's pop art, paintings and sculptures with popular culture themes, pioneered a new way of expression.

Photography and video are important forms of contemporary art. Because photography can capture reality, it often deals with issues such as society, culture, and politics, and the methods of expression are diverse. Video can also express time and space, so it can be combined with other formats such as installations.

Installation is one of the most diverse forms in contemporary art. This allows the entire exhibition space to be viewed as a work of art, allowing the audience to step inside and experience it. For example, Yayoi Kusama's ``Infinite Hall of Mirrors'' is an installation using mirrors that allows viewers to experience an infinite space.

Social and cultural background of contemporary art

Contemporary art often deals with issues such as society, culture, and politics, and its methods of expression are diverse. This is because, as modern society becomes more diverse and complex, artists felt the need to question social and cultural issues through art.

For example, feminist art is art that deals with themes such as women's social status and sex discrimination, and female artists raise these issues through their own experiences. Additionally, postcolonial art is art that deals with themes such as colonialism and globalization, and questions the relationship between developed and developing countries.

Contemporary art often uses art to ask questions about social and cultural issues, so its methods of expression are diverse. For example, installations and performances allow audiences to directly experience social and cultural issues through participation. Furthermore, since photographs and videos can capture social and cultural issues, there are a variety of ways to express them.

Historical background of contemporary art

Contemporary art is a type of art that was born after the 20th century, and its historical background is an art movement that was born as artists searched for new methods of expression.

For example, Dadaism was an art movement that arose after World War I and questioned the relationship between art and society. Surrealism was an art movement that focused on dreams and the unconscious, and was led by artists such as Andre Breton and Salvador Dali.

These art movements had a great influence on the development of modern art. Contemporary art is influenced by these art movements and explores new ways of expression, creating a variety of art forms.


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