今回、+ART GALLERYが主催する「Born New Art Vol.2」に参加する「後藤夢乃」さまの抽選販売を行いますので、こちらでご案内いたします。本抽選の詳細は下記をご参考ください。
We are pleased to announce that we will hold a lottery for "Yumeno Goto" who will participate in "Born New Art Vol.2" organized by +ART GALLERY. Please refer to the following for the details of this lottery.
- 事前申し込みは1人につき3点まで可能です。
- 購入権の譲渡及び転売目的の申し込みは厳禁と致します。
- 申し込み者以外の方宛への発送は承りません。
- 作品はご入金後を確認後、展示会終了日より2週間程度で発送致します。
- 申込み作品の当選確定から7日以内のご入金をお願い致します。
- 作品の微妙な色や風合いなどは実際の作品と異なる場合がございます。
- お申込み内容の変更は、抽選受付の期間中のみ受け付け致します。
- 当選確定後のキャンセルはできませんのでご注意下さい。キャンセルの場合はキャンセル料が発生致します。
- 作品代金以外に配送料がかかり、基本的には着払いとさせていただいております。
海外への発送の場合、配送料に加え、輸入関税、その他現地で発生する費用はすべてお客様のご負担となります。 - 抽選販売となる作品は、お支払いは全て銀行振込・前払いとなります。
- お申込みを頂いた時点で、上記内容にご了承いただいたものといたします。
[ Notes on Lottery Applications ]
You can apply to purchase artworks through the lottery application form.
Due to the large number of inquiries we have received, from the standpoint of fairness, we will be conducting a lottery for the purchase of artworks.
The deadline for the lottery will be 18:00 on May 6 (Fri.), and the winners will be notified by e-mail within 3 days. (Please note that the winners will not be notified of their purchases if they do not win.)
Works that have not been applied for by 18:00 on May 6 (Fri.) will continue to be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.
- A maximum of three works per person may be pre-registered.
- Transfer of purchase rights and applications for the purpose of resale are strictly prohibited.
- We will not ship to anyone other than the applicant.
- We will ship the artwork approximately 2 weeks from the exhibition closing date after confirming the payment.
- Please make payment within 7 days of the confirmation of the winning artwork.
- Please note that the subtle colors and textures of the artwork may differ from the actual artwork.
- Changes to your application can only be made during the lottery registration period.
- Please note that cancellations will not be accepted after the selection has been confirmed. In the event of cancellation, a cancellation fee will be incurred.
- In addition to the price of the artwork, a shipping fee will be charged, which is basically a cash-on-delivery fee.
- In the case of overseas shipments, in addition to shipping charges, customers are responsible for all import duties and any other local fees incurred.
- For works sold by lottery, all payments must be made in advance by bank transfer.
- By submitting your application, you are agreeing to the above terms and conditions.
Please apply for the lottery below.