100 years | Artist directory

Introducing contemporary artist 100 years.

<Table of contents>

1. Profile introduction

2. Work introduction

3. Recommended points

4.Other reference sites

1. Profile introduction

Artist name: 100 years


Author/Illustrator. He is researching new forms of expression with a style that has elements of both painting and illustration.

2. Work introduction

virtual venus1

virtual venus2

virtual venus3

Shibuya station

3. Recommended points

He is an illustrator who mainly draws girls, and the girls are drawn with a lot of expressiveness. How about adding some elegance to your room?

4.Other information/reference sites/media

Twitter: https://twitter.com/letsfinalanswer/media

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsfinalanswer/

*This article has been compiled, processed and edited by our company, and is not affiliated with +ART GALLERY.

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