Professional Unemployed Rutti|Artist Directory

Introducing contemporary artist and professional unemployed Rutty .

<Table of contents>

1. Profile introduction

2. Work introduction

3. Recommended points

4.Other reference sites

1. Profile introduction

Author name: Pro-unemployed Rutty


1991 Born in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture

Since 2016, he has been active on the Internet under the name "Professional Unemployed." Without specifying a specific profession, he expresses himself by crossing genres and locations as a breakdancer, poet, and YouTuber.

Starting with crowdfunding, he launched projects such as ``One Smartphone Journey (2017)'' and ``The 100 Interviews (2018)'', and the online salon he hosts has 250 employees, a lifestyle that symbolizes the social age. It became a pioneer.

In 2019, he began presenting works in the field of contemporary art under the name “Rui Yamaguchi.” Utilizing conceptual methods, she intervenes in cities and platforms, and practices visualizing the fluctuations of boundaries and human subjectivity.

Since 2021, I have been a member of FUTURE GATEWAY, a research base run by KDDI Research Institute that proposes “future lifestyles” with an eye toward 2030.

2. Work introduction


Neutralize #15

desire #1

desire #14

3. Recommended points

It's a colorful and explosive piece, and it's energetic and looks great in a cool street or urban style room. It's a piece that has an impact, so just by displaying it in your room, it will instantly brighten up your room and make an impression!

4.Other information/reference sites/media



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