Ryo Kikuchi|Artist Directory

Introducing contemporary artist Ryo Kikuchi .

<Table of contents>

1. Profile introduction

2. Work introduction

3. Recommended points

4.Other reference sites

1. Profile introduction

Artist name: Ryo Kikuchi


Born in Aomori Prefecture in 1991

2015 Graduated from Tokyo Zokei University, Faculty of Art and Design, Department of Art, Major in Painting

2017 Completed Tokyo Zokei University Graduate School of Art and Design Department of Fine Arts

2017-2020 Tokyo Zokei University, Painting Department Assistant

2020 ~ Tokyo Zokei University Graduate School of Art and Design, Department of Art and Design, Doctoral Program

2. Work introduction

`` void#136 ''

acrylic on panel

idea #6〈lascaux〉

acrylic on panel

umbilical #2

acrylic on panel

idea #4〈Chauvet〉

acrylic on panel

3. Recommended points

Looking at Kikuchi-san's work makes me feel calm ✨

The ephemeral nature of things, the inability to reach them, and the concreteness are expressed and make me think!

Recommended for those who want a calm room.


4.Other information/reference sites/media

・HP: https://www.kikuchiryo.com/idea

*This article has been compiled, processed and edited by our company, and is not affiliated with +ART GALLERY.

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